Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Teory dan cara belajar Analisa Fundamental

Ada 2 jenis analisa yang umum digunakan para trader yaitu :

1. Analisa fundamental : dengan mengandalkan berita/rumor yang terjadi di pasar. 
2. Analisa teknikal: dengan mengandalkan pada grafik dan rumus-rumus matematis. 

Analisa Fundamental :

Analisa fundamental adalah analisa yang mengandalkan berita-berita yang terjadi di pasar dunia. Atau yang sedang beredar di market. Kandungan berita ini menjadi penggerak emosi market trader untuk menentukan nilai suatu mata uang, saham, atau instrumen yang lain. Salah satu contohnya adalah kenaikan suku bunga Bank Sentral oleh The Fed (bank sentralnya US) dapat berarti menguatnya Dollar. Naiknya harga petrolleum akan mengerek saham-saham yang berhubungan dengan komoditas, dsb. Jika anda tidak menyukai analisa yang rumit-rumit(hitungan, grafik, dsb), maka kini saatnya anda untuk mempelajari analisa fundamental ini.

Untuk mempelajari analisa fundamental dengan benar maka anda harus mempelajari ilmu ekonomi, financial secara makro. Misalnya mengapa kenaikan suku bunga dapat menjadikan nilai mata uang menguat. Disini tidak akan dijelaskan secara mendetail tentang hukum-hukum ekonomi tersebut. Namun ada beberapa berita(indikator ekonomi) yang sekiranya dapat anda gunakan sebagai acuan.

Kondisi politik & perekonomian Amerika sangat berpengaruh kepada kondisi perekonomian dunia, karena itu news dan data ekonomi AS sering dijadikan sebagai acuan oleh para investor terhadap pergerakan mata uang utama dunia. 

Indikator ekonomiNaik / TurunUS $
1Average EarningNaikMenguat
2Balance of PaymentNaikMenguat
3Budget Deficit TurunMenguat
4Business Inventories TurunMenguat
5Capacity UtilizationNaikMenguat
6Car SalesNaikMenguat
7Chicago PMI (Purchasing Management Index)NaikMenguat
8Constuction SpendingNaikMenguat
9Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)NaikMenguat
10Consumer Credit (CI)NaikMenguat
11Consumer Price Index (CPI)NaikMenguat
12Consumer Spending (Expenditure)TurunMenguat
13Cost of LivingNaikMenguat
14Current AcountTurunMenguat
15Corporate ProfitNaikMenguat
17Discount RateNaikMenguat
18Durabel Goods OrdersNaikMenguat
19Econimic Monetary System (EMS)NaikMenguat
20Factory OrdersNaikMenguat
21Federal BudgetNaikMenguat
22Federal Reserve FundNaikMenguat
23Gross Domestic Product (GDP)NaikMenguat
24Gross National Product (GNP)NaikMenguat
25Housing StartNaikMenguat
26Industrial ProductionsNaikMenguat
27Invisible TradeTurunMenguat
28Jobless ClaimsTurunMenguat
29Leading IndicatorNaikMenguat
30Money Supply (M1, M2, M3, M4)NaikMenguat
31National AssociationNaikMenguat
33Non Farm PayrollsNaikMenguat
34Personal ExpenditureNaikMenguat
35Personal IncomeTurunMenguat
36Prime RateNaikMenguat
37Product Price Index (PPI)NaikMenguat
38Public Sector Debt RepaymentNaikMenguat
39Retail SalesTurunMenguat
40Trade BalanceNaikMenguat
41Trade DevicitTurunMenguat
42Trade Weighted IndexTurunMenguat
43Unemployment RateTurunMenguat
44Unit Labour CostNaikMenguat
45Value Added TaxNaikMenguat
46Visible TradeNaikMenguat

English Version :

Fundamental Analysis

There are 2 types of analysis commonly used by traders, namely:

1. Fundamental Analysis: by relying on news / rumors in the market.
2. Technical analysis: by relying on charts and mathematical formulas.

Fundamental Analysis:
Fundamental analysis is the analysis that relies news happening in the world market. Or that are circulating in the market. The content of this news drives the market trader's emotions to determine the value of a currency, equity or other instruments. One example is the Central Bank rate hike by the Fed (U.S. central bank) can mean a stronger dollar. Rising prices will hoist petrolleum stocks related to commodities, etc.. If you do not like complicated complex analysis (count, graphs, etc.), then now is the time for you to study this fundamental analysis.

To learn fundamental analysis correctly then you should study economics, financial macro. For example, why the increase in interest rates can make the value of the currency strengthened. Will not be described here in detail about the economic laws. But there are some news (economic indicators) that if only you can use as a reference.

American political and economic conditions greatly affect the condition of the world economy, because it's news and U.S. economic data is often used as a reference by investors against currency movements in the world.

 Economic Indicators Rise / Fall U.S. $
1 Average Earning Up Strong
2 Balance of Payment Up Strong
3 Budget Deficit
Dropped Stronger
4 Business Inventories
Dropped Stronger
5 Capacity Utilization Up Strong
6 Car Sales Up Strong
7 Chicago PMI (Purchasing Management Index) Up Strong
8 constuction Spending Up Strong
9 Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) Up Strong
10 Consumer Credit (CI) Up Strong
11 Consumer Price Index (CPI) Up Strong
12 Consumer Spending (Expenditure) Down Stronger
13 Cost of Living Up Strong
Current 14 acount Down Stronger
15 Corporate Profit Up Strong
16 Deflation Up Strong
17 Discount Rate Up Strong
18 Durabel Goods Orders Up Strong
19 econimic Monetary System (EMS) Up Strong
20 Factory Orders Up Strong
21 Federal Budget Up Strong
22 Federal Reserve Fund Up Strong
23 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Up Strong
24 Gross National Product (GNP) Up Strong
25 Housing Start Up Strong
26 Industrial Productions Up Strong
27 Invisible Trade Down Stronger
28 Jobless Claims Fall Stronger
29 Leading Indicator Up Strong
30 Money Supply (M1, M2, M3, M4) Up Strong
31 National Association Up Strong
32 (NAPM) Up Strong
33 Non Farm Payrolls Up Strong
34 Personal Expenditure Up Strong
35 Personal Income Dropped Stronger
36 Prime Rate Up Strong
37 Product Price Index (PPI) Up Strong
38 Public Sector Debt repayment Up Strong
Strong Retail Sales Down 39
40 Trade Balance Up Strong
41 Trade Devicit Down Stronger
42 Trade Weighted Index Down Stronger
43 Unemployment Rate Dropped Stronger
44 Unit Labour Cost Up Strong
45 Value Added Tax Up Strong
46 Visible Trade Up Strong

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