Fase Pertama, Perkenalan Online Forex Trading di Indonesia pada fase ini online forex trading diperkenalkan oleh perusahaan pialang lokal yang menyediakan fasilitas online forex trading.
Fase Kedua, selain perusahaan-perusahaan pialang lokal yang mulai menyediakan fasilitas online trading, pilihan alternatif untuk bertrading dengan pialang luar negeri mulai muncul, dengan mulai dikenalnya di Indonesia berbagai pialang Luar negeri baik yang berstatus legal ataupun ilegal
Fase Ketiga, forex trading dengan
Kondisi yang ada saat artikel ini ditulis adalah perusahaan-perusahaan pialang lokal hanya menyediakan fasilitas trading untuk kontrak Regular/Standard (dimana 1
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah para perusahaan pialang Forex Luar Negeri yang menjamur dan terlihat sangat agresif dengan menyediakan berbagai kelebihan dan seringkali bonus, antara lain
- Minimum deposit yang sangat rendah
- Bonus
margin sekian $ kalau melakukan penyetoran dana
Spread rendah
- Mekanisme transfer dana yang mudah, via Credit Card, BCA, Liberty Reserve, e-Gold
Deposit Awal yang Sangat Rendah, hal ini umumnya diatur oleh badan pengawas pialang bahwa minimum deposit awal harus mencapai jumlah tertentu, hal ini dilakukan karena forex trading adalah investasi yang beresiko tinggi sehingga umumnya regulator dan badan pengawas menentukan suatu batas tertentu karena memang forex trading tidak cocok untuk semua orang, apalagi bagi yang memiliki dana yang sangat terbatas, tujuannya adalah melindungi para nasabah juga
Bonus margin Sekian $... jika melakukan penyetoran margin sebesar $....., hal ini mirip dengan prkatik yang saat artikel ini ditulis sedang marak di Indonesia, seperti program cashback atau bonus dari bank jika menyetor sejumlah uang dalam deposito/tabungan dengan syarat tidak boleh ditarik selama jangka waktu tertentu maka Anda bisa mendapatkan hadiah langsung uang tunai, handphone, Blackberry, notebook sampai mobil. Bank bisa melakukan hal tersebut karena sebenarnya dana yang digunakan untuk memberikan hadiah/cashback tersebut adalah melalui perhitungan bunga yang akan diterima di masa depan. Namun bagaimana untuk pialang forex? Badan regulator yang berpihak pada investor umumnya mengatur cara berpromosi perusahaan pialang dan melarang praktik-praktik promosi yang berlebihan dan menyesatkan. Karena forex trading beresiko tinggi, maka promosi dengan cara demikian tidak diperkenankan karena dapat mempengaruhi para calon investor yang masih awam untuk segera membuka Real
Mekanisme transfer dana yang mudah, via Credit Card, BCA, Liberty Reserve, e-Gold. Umumnya pialang resmi di bawah regulator hanya diperkenankan melakukan transaksi melalui metode pembayaran tertentu yang legal dan jelas keberadaannya seperti Credit Card dan Wire Transfer internasional sedangkan metode pembayaran alternatif seperti Liberty Reserve, e-Gold tidak diizinkan karena bukan merupakan metode pembayaran resmi alias tidak diregulasikan. Jika bank atau Credit Card maka dibawah pengawasan
Modus Operandi
Jadi bagaimana kalau saya trading dengan pialang ilegal, memangnya ada beda 'real' nya? Pertanyaan ini sering muncul dari para trader yang sudah trading di pialang yang ilegal, ada beberapa modus operandi yang umumnya terjadi pada pialang ilegal, karena mereka tidak berada di bawah pengawasan Lembaga Regulator yang resmi maka hal-hal berikut dapat terjadi sewaktu-waktu
- Pembandaran : lawan transaksi trader adalah perusahaan pialang itu sendiri, jika Anda profit maka perusahaan pialang loss, jika Anda loss maka perusahaan pialang profit. Nah masalahnya adalah jika Anda terus-terusan profit dan perusahaan pialang terus-terusan loss, tidak ada perusahaan yang dibuat untuk terus menerus loss dan disini sudah menjadi seperti bandar judi, dimana transaksi yang terjadi hanya semu antara Anda dan perusahaan pialang bukan dengan market.
- Dana tidak bisa ditarik : karena kondisi di atas maka kita akan menemui bahwa ketika profit, dana tidak dapat / sulit / dipersulit untuk ditarik karena memang transaksi tidak disalurkan ke market sehingga pembayaran profit harus dilakukan dari kantong perusahaan pialang. Umumnya akan muncul berbagai alasan yang intinya dana profit sulit ditarik atau mereka hanya mendiamkan saja permintaan atau keluhan Anda.
- Anomali/Keanehan pada Platform trading: saat market bagus sistem tiba-tiba freeze,
order untuk taking profit tidak bisa masuk, dan berbagai kekreatifan lain untuk menghalangi Anda mendapatkan profit. Namun khusus untuk saat market ramai / hectic terutama saat keluarnya berita gangguan sistem adalah hal yang wajar terjadi karena masuknya order transaksi yang sangat banyak pada saat yang sama
- Pengawasan semu : terdaftar pada badan regulator semu yang dibentuk oleh perusahaan pialang sendiri demi kepentingan perusahaan pialang bukan kepentingan investor
Kami, dalam hal ini belajarforex.com sebagai portal edukasi di Indonesia juga seringkali mendapatkan berbagai tawaran untuk bekerjasama dengan berbagai perusahaan pialang, biasanya disertai dengan berbagai iming-iming kemudahan dan tawaran yang menggiurkan, namun setelah kami melakukan penelitian latar belakang, track record dan legalitas, jika hasilnya kami menemukan bahwa hasilnya tidak memuaskan maka kami menolak semua tawaran tersebut.
Nah sekarang bagaimana tips untuk memilih pialang luar negeri yang baik,
- Pilihlah hanya Pialang yang terdaftar di negara yang memiliki badan pengawas / regulator yang dibentuk untuk kepentingan investor bukan untuk kepentingan pialang, antara lain:
- Amerika Serikat
- Australia
- Inggris
- Terutama untuk pialang yang terdaftar di Amerika Serikat di bawah pengawasan NFA (National Futures Association) dan CFTC (Commodity and Futures Trade Commision), Alasannya adalah karena untuk menjadi member NFA pialang harus memiliki dana minimum net capital $20 juta dan jika ada pengaduan investor dan pialang terbukti bersalah maka pialang bisa didenda dengan nominal sebesar $100.000, tentunya ini akan membuat mereka yang memiliki dana di bawah nilai denda tersebut lebih aman, karena nilai denda, dan tentunya tujuan utamanya adalah mencegah pialang untuk melakukan praktik-praktik yang tidak benar.
- Pastikan Anda mengetahui mekanisme untuk melakukan pengaduan ke pihak badan pengawas
legality-off-negeriArtikel broker before about legality of Forex Trading & Brokerage in Indonesia already explained about the regulations for Local Brokerage in the country (Indonesia), the next question is how to Foreign Brokers. At the time this article was written the development of the world of forex trading in Indonesia especially for the online forex trading has been through several phases.
Phase One, Introduction to Online Forex Trading in Indonesia at this phase of online forex trading is introduced by a local brokerage firm that provides online forex trading facility.
Phase Two, in addition to local brokerage firms are beginning to provide online trading facility, an alternative option for trading with foreign brokers began to emerge, known in Indonesia by starting various brokers Overseas whether legal or illegal status
Third Phase, forex trading mini contracts cleared in Indonesia so for only a local brokerage firm contract Regular / Standard. This causes investors who still want to trade with a mini contract choose to transact with foreign brokers
Existing conditions of this writing is a local brokerage companies only provide trading facilities for contract Regular / Standard (where 1 lot = 100.00 or 10 times the mini contract), and foreign brokers both legal and illegal are still active promotion. And as this article discusses Legality Brokerage Foreign we will focus on the topic of corporate Legality Brokerage Foreign Affairs.
Things to consider is the Foreign Forex brokerage company that flourished and looks very aggressive with providing a variety of advantages and bonuses often include
Minimum deposit is very low
Bonus margin so that $ depositing funds
FREE commission
Spread low
Easy funds transfer mechanism, via Credit Card, BCA, Liberty Reserve, e-Gold
Well all the advantages of the above sounds interesting and very profitable for potential investors, but there are some things that really should watch
Initial deposits are Very Low, it is generally set by the regulatory body that the minimum initial deposit broker must reach a certain amount, this is done because forex trading is a high risk investment that regulators and regulatory agencies generally specify a certain extent because forex trading is not suitable for everyone, especially for those who have very limited funds, the goal is to protect our customers as well
A few margin Bonus $ ... if you make a deposit of $ ..... margin, it is similar to prkatik the time this article was written is rampant in Indonesia, such as cashback or bonus program from the bank if the deposit some money in a deposit / savings on the condition should not be withdrawn for a period of then you can get some free gifts of cash, mobile phones, Blackberry, laptop to the car. Banks can do this because the actual funds used to reward / cashback is through the calculation of interest to be received in the future. But how to forex broker? Regulatory agency in favor of the investor generally governs how to promote brokerage firm practices and prohibit excessive promotion and misleading. Because high-risk forex trading, then the promotion is not permitted in this way because it can affect potential investors who are new to immediately open a Real Account, but prospective investors should understand the mechanics and risks before trading forex. After all we have to worry about is if the broker gives you some money when you do deposti at particular values, while they do not charge commissions / spreads and transaction costs are very low, the question is HOW they could bear those costs?
Easy funds transfer mechanism, via Credit Card, BCA, Liberty Reserve, e-Gold. Brokers generally authorized under the regulator only allowed to do certain transactions through the payment method and clear legal existence as Credit Cards and Wire Transfers internationally while alternative payment methods such as Liberty Reserve, e-Gold is not permitted because it is not an official payment method alias is not regulated. If your bank or Credit Card then under the supervision of the Central Bank as of Bank Indonesia or the FED (U.S.). But for an alternative payment method does not have a regulator who oversees their operational practices so that if at any time they are cheating the cap or no control.
Modus Operandi
So what if I was trading with illegal brokers, Is there any difference 'real' her? This question often arises from traders who have been trading in illegal brokers, there are several modes of operation are common in illegal brokers, because they are not under the supervision of the Regulatory Agency authorized the following things can happen at any time
Urbanized: counterparty trader is a brokerage firm itself, if you profit loss the brokerage firm, if you loss the brokerage firm profit. Well the problem is if you are constantly brokerage firm profit and loss constantly, no company is to continuously loss and here have become like the bookies, where the transactions that occur between you and the only apparent brokerage firm rather than the market.
Funds can not be withdrawn: due to the above conditions then we will see that when the profit, the fund can not / difficult / complicated to be withdrawn because the transaction is not routed to the market so that the profit payment must be made out of the bag brokerage firm. Will generally turn up a variety of reasons hard core profit funds withdrawn or they simply silence any requests or complaints.
Anomaly / oddity on trading platform: current good market system suddenly freeze, an order for taking profit can not get in, and a variety of other creative accident to prevent you from getting the profit. However, for the current market crowded / hectic, especially when the news release system disorder is normal due order entry transactions are very much at the same time
Supervision pseudo: pseudo registered regulatory body established by the brokerage firm itself for the sake of a brokerage firm and not the interests of investors
The stuff on top is a real thing that happens when you really find out about the difference between legal and illegal brokers, we ourselves have often listened to 'vent' the victims who lost money, the transaction is eliminated profit or profit funds can not be withdrawn by the various variety of reasons, all of them not being clear solution plus there is no place to complain.
We, in this case as a portal belajarforex.com education in Indonesia is also often receive various offers to work with various brokerage firms, usually accompanied with the lure of easy and tempting offer, but once we did the research background, track record and legality , if the results we find that the results are not satisfactory then we reject all the bids.
Well now how to tips for choosing a good broker overseas,
Choose only broker registered in the state that has a watchdog / regulator set up for the benefit of investors and not for the benefit of brokers, among others:
United States of America
Especially for registered brokers in the United States under the supervision of the NFA (National Futures Association) and CFTC (Commodity and Futures Trade Commission), reason is due to become a member of NFA broker should have a fund minimum net capital of $ 20 million and if there are complaints of investors and brokers the broker found guilty could be fined a nominal amount of $ 100,000, this course will make those who have funds under penalty value is more secure, because the value of fines, and of course the ultimate goal is to prevent brokers to pursue practices that are not true.
Make sure you know the mechanism to make the complaint to the regulatory body
Kalau kasus seperti ini saya belum pernah dengar selama saya menjalankan trading di broker octafx. broker ini selalu membayar setiap profit yang di hasilkan oleh trader berapapun itu. saya juga dapet info dari temen - temen trader di komunitas saya bahwa perneh ada trader yang bisa wd besar dan langsung bisa dicairkan tanpa banyak masalah