Sekarang kita bahas dahulu mekanisme pembentukan harga, yang paling sederhana adalah contoh saat kita mau membeli sebuah baju kaos di pertokoan Mangga Dua, misalnya saya ke sebuah toko bernama Baju Lestari kemudian saya melihat satu kaos berwarna hitam dengan tulisan ROCK berwarna emas, kemudian saya tanyakan harganya, ternyata harganya 100.000 rupiah. Saya adalah pembeli maka yang saya inginkan adalah harga yang semurah mungkin dan karena di Mangga Dua terdapat banyak sekali toko baju, maka saya melihat-lihat dulu ke toko lain, dan ternyata tidak jauh dari toko sebelumnya saya menemukan toko Baju Hemat, disana ada baju yang sama persis dan langsung saya tanyakan harganya. Ternyata harganya 150.000 rupiah, seketika itu naluri pembeli bekerja dan dari mulut terucap “Wah, mahal banget! Di toko lain nga semahal itu kok!”. Penjual di toko Baju Hemat membalas dengan cerdik “Memangnya di toko lain dikasih berapa? Saya kasih lebih murah deh!”.
Kejadian di atas sebenarnya merupakan awal mekanisme pembentukan harga, pembeli ingin harga serendah mungkin sedangkan penjual ingin harga setinggi mungkin, namun kedua hal ini bertolak belakang. Untungnya dalam kejadian di atas ada kompetisi di antara penjual sehingga mereka berlomba-lomba untuk memberikan harga yang terbaik, jika toko A menjual seharga 100.000, maka toko B akan menjual seharga 99.000 supaya pembeli lebih memilih toko B. Nah disini kita bisa lihat bagaimana harga bisa bergerak turun karena para penjual berlomba untuk menjual produknya dan otomatis membawa harga semakin turun.
Jika terdapat kompetisi antar para penjual maka ada juga kompetisi antar para pembeli, kalau kompetisi antara penjual maka harga bisa bergerak turun maka sebaliknya kompetisi antar pembeli membuat harga bisa bergerak naik. Kita lanjutkan kisah di atas, akhirnya saya tidak jadi membeli hari itu karena memilih makan enak daripada membeli baju, kemudian esok harinya saya kembali dan melihat di toko Baju Hemat ternyata baju yang saya mau sudah terjual. Maka terpaksa kembali ke toko Baju Lestari dan kebetulan bajunya tinggal 1, saya menawar dari 100.000 menjadi 90.000, namun tiba-tiba ada pembeli lain datang dan menawar baju itu juga sebesar 95.000 dan karena saya sudah niat banget beli maka saya naikan tawaran saya menjadi 100.000, nga usah pakai diskon, eh ternyata pembeli yang lain itu juga menaikkan tawaran lebih tinggi lagi menjadi 110.000.
Kompetisi di atas adalah kompetisi antar pembeli yang mendorong harga menjadi naik. Sampai disini kita sudah mempelajari bagaimana harga bisa naik dan harga bisa turun karena kompetisi di sisi pembeli dan penjual. Berikutnya adalah penentuan harga pasar, maksudnya harga pasar disini adalah harga dimana semua pihak baik pembeli dan penjual setuju untuk melakukan transaksi. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan disini adalah penjual harus mengetahui harga yang ditawarkan penjual lain untuk bisa memberikan harga yang lebih rendah (berkompetisi), hal yang sama dengan pembeli. Transaksi akan terus terjadi selama pembeli melihat harga yang ditawarkan penjual terjangkau, penjual akan tetap menjual selama harga jual tidak terlalu rendah. Proses inilah yang akan melahirkan harga pasar dimana harga yang ada merupakan harga kesetimbangan antara para penjual dan pembeli, namun jika pembeli lebih banyak maka harga bergerak naik, sebaliknya jika penjual lebih banyak maka harga bergerak turun.
Pembentukan harga baju di Mangga Dua terjadi dengan para penjual saling mencari tahu harga toko lainnya dan menyesuaikan harga sehingga lebih murah atau paling tidak sama. Sedangkan para pembeli melakukan perbandingan dengan mengunjungi toko satu persatus. Bagaimana jika yang diperdagangkan adalah mata uang dan yang melakukan transaksi yaitu para pembeli dan penjual tidak dalam satu gedung bahkan tidak dalam satu negara, bagaimana mereka bisa berkomunikasi mengetahui harga penjual atau pembeli lain, disinilah digunakan jaringan elektronis sehingga penjual dan pembeli dapat memantau harga yang ditawarkan oleh penjual dan pembeli.
Electronic Currency Network merupakan sebuah sistem transaksi forex yang pembentukan harganya terjadi di pasar/market.Artinya bukan pialang yang menentukan harga di platform tetapi benar-benarh harga yang terjadi di market forex saat ini. Pihak yang terlibat adalah bank-bank, institusi keuangan, swasta, pemerintah, dan juga investor ritel dankelompok melalui pialang. Semua mengajukan harga untuk membeli dan menjual sesuai kepentingan masing-masing, baik untuk tujuan spekulasi, lindung nilai atau pun transaksi ekspor impor. Para pihak bertransaksi dalam suatu jaringan tidak terpusat melalui jaringan elektronik.
Sebagai contoh kita melihat kurs Rupiah - US Dollar di bank. Biasanya di bank kita bisa melihat kurs beli dan jual US Dollar, waktu artikel ini ditulis kurs US Dollar adalah 1 USD = 10.800 Rupiah. Biasanya muncul di papan kurs seperti di bawah ini :
Beli 10.800 - Jual 11.500
Dan kita ketahui bersama Beli atau Jual yang dimaksud adalah dari
sisi bank, jadi bank mau beli dollar hanya di harga 10.800 dan mau jual
dollar di harga 11.500. Artinya Bank hanya mau membeli US Dollar dari
kita dengan harga 10.800 rupiah untuk setiap 1 USD dan Bank bersedia
menjual US Dollar pada kita dengan harga 11.500 rupiah untuk setiap 1
USD. Ini konsep yang sama yang anda lihat platform forex trading Anda
yaitu harga di Bid dan Ask. Dengan selisih antara 10.800 dengan 11.500
disebut spread. Besar juga yah spreadnya? 700 rupiah dalam kasus ini.Pialang ECN adalah pialang yang memfasilitasi para investornya untuk bertransaksi pada jaringan ECN tersebut, tanpa ada dealing desk sebagai pool transaksi sebelum disalurkan ke market. Sekarang apa bedanya perusahaan pialang ECN dengan non ECN? Transparansi Market! Maksudnya pada pialang ECN kita dapat mengakses market secara langsung atau sering disebut Direct Market Access (DMA). Tapi bagaimana bisa membedakan secara pasti mana yang ECN dan yang bukan? Berikut merupakan karakteristik pialang ECN
- Spread tidak tetap/ tidak fixed tapi spread sesuai market, pada pialang ECN kadang kita bisa menemukan spread sebesar 0.5 point. Hal ini jugalah yang menyebabkan pialang ECN PASTI mengenakan
Biaya Transaksi karena mereka tidak melakukan mark up/down untuk harga di market, penghasilan mereka hanya dari Biaya Transaksi. (Spread adalah selisih antara Nilai Jual dan Beli)
Transparansi Harga &
Order di Market, kita dapat melihat antrian order yang terjadi di market berupa harga dan volume antrian yang ada, jadi bukan harga yang dimarkup/down ataupun dimanipulasi
- Transparansi Order dan Harga, saat kita mengirimkan order ke market maka order tersebut muncul juga di tampilan antrian market
- Tidak mengenal hedging / mempunyai posisi Buy dan Sell pada pair mata uang yang sama, jika Anda memiliki posisi Buy 5 lot pada EURUSD dan kemudian membuka posisi Sell 2 lot pada pair yang sama, maka yang terjadi adalah posisi Buy akan ditutup 2 lot dan tersisa Buy 3 lot. Namun Anda masih bisa melakukan cross hedging (hedging pada mata uang lain yang pergerakannya searah) atau dilakukan pada account terpisah
- Tidak ada pembatasan minimum point untuk Stop Loss ataupun Taking Profit, selisih 1 point juga dapat dilakukan dimana pialang non ECN memberlakukan pembatasan Stop Loss atau Taking Profit, yaitu harus minimum sekian point dari harga market,
- Tidak adanya Deal Desk yang berfungsi sebagai perantara antara investor dan market, yang sangat berpengaruh terutama jika market sedang ‘hectic’ (bergerak cepat) sehingga order Anda ditolak.
- Mengizinkan bahkan menganjurkan Scalping sedangkan pialang non ECN seringkali melarang trader melakukan Scalping (trading dengan target profit rendah untuk setiap transaksi 2-15 point)
- Break Even Point (BEP) semakin rendah, Spread sesuai market tidak dimarkup/down sehingga lebih kompetitif. Ini sangat besar pengaruhnya jika Anda trading dengan metode scalping (target profit kecil), Anda akan tetap mendapatkan keunggulan dibandingkan pialang tanpa biaya transaksi namun sebenarnya menggunakan markup/down dari harga market sebenarnya
- Anda dapat melakukan Scalping, tentunya ada alasan mengapa scalping dilarang,coba tebak :)
- Kecepatan eksekusi order karena tidak adanya Dealing Desk, hal ini berguna terutama saat market sedang bergejolak (hectic) dimana umumnya order tidak bisa masuk / ditolak.
- Transparansi Harga dan Volume, Anda tahu dan dapat melihat langsung bahwa order Anda disalurkan langsung ke Market sehingga tidak ada Resiko pialang mengalami mismanagement transaksi, terutama jika transaksi Anda besar.
- Tidak ada pembatasan order harus minimum sekian point dari harga market untuk stop loss, trailing stop, limit.
- Jika Anda memiliki dana besar maka Anda dapat benar-benar menggerakkan harga di market
sumber :
broker-broker-ecnSaat we will discuss about the broker / ECN broker, what is it and what advantages ECN? First
we start with the extension of the Electronic Currency Network ECN if
taken literally is a network / network electronic currencies, so it is a
network that serves to make currency transactions and is done
electronically. Still not clear? Well
let me ask one question first, have you ever asked what is the real
exchange rate pricing as between Rupiah (IDR) to U.S. Dollar (USD), how
does the price mechanism 1 USD = 9000 IDR could turn into 9500 IDR or
down, how the hell how to determine the price? The name is the mechanism of price formation mechanism.Now
we discuss first the mechanism of price formation, the simplest is an
example when we want to buy a shirt at the mall Mangga Dua, such as me
to a store called Clothes Lestari then I saw a black shirt with gold
writing ROCK, then I ask the price , it cost 100,000 rupiah. I
am a buyer then I want is affordable pricing in Mangga Dua and because
there are many clothing stores, I look first to other stores, and it is
not far from the store before I found the clothes shop save, there's
clothes exactly the same and I immediately ask price. Apparently it costs 150,000 rupiah, instantaneous instinct buyers work and came out of his mouth "Oh, very expensive! In another shop that expensive nga too! ". Save Seller shirt shop cleverly responded with "Do at other stores given how much? I love cheaper deh ".The
above incident is actually the beginning of the price formation
mechanism, buyers want the lowest possible price while sellers want the
highest price possible, but these two opposites. Fortunately
the above events there is competition among sellers so they are
competing to provide the best price, if store A sells for $ 100,000,
then the store will sell for 99,000 B so that buyers prefer store B. Well
here we can see how the prices could go down as the sellers compete to
sell their products and automatically bring the price down.If
there is competition among the sellers then there is also competition
among the buyers, if competition among sellers then the price can move
down then instead of competition between buyers make the price could
move up. We
continue the story above, I did not end up buying that day because
choosing a good meal rather than buying clothes, then the next day I
went back and looked at the clothes shop turned out to save the clothes I
would have been sold. Then
forced to return to the store and happen Sustainable shirt sleeve to 1,
I bid from 100,000 to 90,000, but suddenly there was another buyer to
come and bid on the dress also at 95,000 and since I've bought it really
my intention Rev my offer to 100,000, have to wear discount nga, eh was another buyer also raise the bid higher to 110,000.Competition at the top is competition among buyers who pushed the price to go up. Up here we have studied how the prices can go up and prices go down because of competition in the buyer and seller. Next
is the determination of the market price, meaning the price of the
market here is the price which all parties, both the buyer and seller
agree to conduct a transaction. One
thing to note here is that the seller should know the price offered by
other sellers to be able to provide a lower price (competing), same
thing with the buyer. Transactions
will continue to happen as long as buyers look at affordable prices
offered by sellers, sellers will continue to sell as long as the selling
price is not too low. This
process is where the market will bear the price there is an equilibrium
price between the seller and the buyer, but if buyers more then the
price goes up, otherwise if the seller more then the price goes down.Price
formation in Mangga Dua clothes happen to the sellers seek each other
out and the price of other stores adjust prices making it cheaper or at
least not the same. While buyers do a comparison by visiting the store one persatus. What
if the traded currencies and transactions that buyers and sellers are
not in a building is not even in one country, how they can communicate
with the seller or the buyer know the price of another, where the use of
electronic networks so that sellers and buyers can monitor the prices
offered by the seller and the buyer.Electronic
Currency Network is a forex transaction system which price formation in
the market / broker market.Artinya not determine the price on the
platform but was benarh prices that occurred in the forex market today. Parties
involved are banks, financial institutions, private sector, government,
and retail investors through brokers dankelompok. All
the asking price to buy and sell in the interest of each, whether for
the purpose of speculation, hedging or import-export transactions. The parties do not trade in a centralized network via an electronic network.For example, we see dollar exchange rate - U.S. Dollar in the bank. Usually
in the bank we could see buying and selling the U.S. Dollar, the time
this article was written to U.S. Dollar exchange rate is 1 USD = 10,800
Rupiah. It usually appears on the board rate as below:Buy 10,800 - 11,500 SellingAnd
we know as a Buy or Sell in question is from the bank, so the bank
would purchase only at the price of 10,800 dollars, and they want to
sell dollars at prices 11,500. This
means that the Bank would only buy U.S. Dollar from us at a price of
10,800 rupiah per 1 USD and the bank is willing to sell the U.S. dollar
on us at 11 500 dollars for every 1 USD. It's the same concept that you see forex trading platform you are on the Bid and Ask prices. The difference between 10 800 to 11 500 called spread. Yah too large spreads? 700 dollars in this case.ECN
brokers are brokers who facilitate the investors to trade on the ECN
network, with no dealing desk as a pool transaction before it is piped
to market. Now what's the difference with non-ECN broker ECN? Transparency Market! That is the ECN broker we can access the market directly or often called Direct Market Access (DMA). But how can distinguish exactly where the ECN and which is not? Here is a characteristic ECN broker
Spreads are not fixed / not fixed but spread corresponding market, the ECN brokers sometimes we can find a spread of 0.5 points. It is also likely to lead to an ECN broker transaction fee MUST wear because they do not mark up / down to price in the market, their income only from transaction fee. (Spread is the difference between buy and sell value)
Transparency Price & Order in the Market, we can see a queue of orders occurs in the form of market price and volume of existing queues, so it's not the price that dimarkup / down or manipulated
-queue-depth market
Transparency Order and Price, when we ship the order to the market such order may also appear in the display market queue
Not familiar with hedging / has a Buy and Sell at the same currency pair, if you have a Buy 5 lots on EURUSD and then open a Sell position 2 lots of the same pair, then there is a Buy 2 lots will be closed and the remaining Buy 3 lots. But you can still do cross hedging (hedging currency other unidirectional movement) or carried on a separate account
There is no age restriction point for Stop Loss or Profit Taking, 1 point difference can also be done where non ECN brokers impose restrictions or Stop Loss Profit Taking, which had so many points of minimum market price,
The absence of Deal Desk that serves as an intermediary between investors and the market, which is very influential, especially if the market is 'hectic' (move quickly) so the order is denied.
Allow even recommend non ECN broker Scalping while often prohibiting trader scalping (trading with low profit targets for each transaction 2-15 points)If the above is characteristic ECN broker, then the next question is the benefit of trading on ECN broker what?
Break Even Point (BEP) is getting low, the market is not in accordance Spread dimarkup / down making it more competitive. This is a great effect if you are trading with scalping method (small profit targets), you will still get the advantage over the broker without transaction costs but actually using markup / down from the actual market price
You can do Scalping, of course, no reason why scalping is banned, guess :)
Speed of order execution in the absence of Dealing Desk, it is useful especially when the market is volatile (hectic) which generally can not order entry / rejected.
Transparency Price and Volume, you know, and can see immediately that your order is channeled directly to the Market so there is no risk of mismanagement transaction brokerage experience, especially if you have a large transaction.
There is no restriction order should be minimum so the price point of the market for stop loss, trailing stop, limit.
If you have a big budget then you can really move prices in the market
Spreads are not fixed / not fixed but spread corresponding market, the ECN brokers sometimes we can find a spread of 0.5 points. It is also likely to lead to an ECN broker transaction fee MUST wear because they do not mark up / down to price in the market, their income only from transaction fee. (Spread is the difference between buy and sell value)
Transparency Price & Order in the Market, we can see a queue of orders occurs in the form of market price and volume of existing queues, so it's not the price that dimarkup / down or manipulated
-queue-depth market
Transparency Order and Price, when we ship the order to the market such order may also appear in the display market queue
Not familiar with hedging / has a Buy and Sell at the same currency pair, if you have a Buy 5 lots on EURUSD and then open a Sell position 2 lots of the same pair, then there is a Buy 2 lots will be closed and the remaining Buy 3 lots. But you can still do cross hedging (hedging currency other unidirectional movement) or carried on a separate account
There is no age restriction point for Stop Loss or Profit Taking, 1 point difference can also be done where non ECN brokers impose restrictions or Stop Loss Profit Taking, which had so many points of minimum market price,
The absence of Deal Desk that serves as an intermediary between investors and the market, which is very influential, especially if the market is 'hectic' (move quickly) so the order is denied.
Allow even recommend non ECN broker Scalping while often prohibiting trader scalping (trading with low profit targets for each transaction 2-15 points)If the above is characteristic ECN broker, then the next question is the benefit of trading on ECN broker what?
Break Even Point (BEP) is getting low, the market is not in accordance Spread dimarkup / down making it more competitive. This is a great effect if you are trading with scalping method (small profit targets), you will still get the advantage over the broker without transaction costs but actually using markup / down from the actual market price
You can do Scalping, of course, no reason why scalping is banned, guess :)
Speed of order execution in the absence of Dealing Desk, it is useful especially when the market is volatile (hectic) which generally can not order entry / rejected.
Transparency Price and Volume, you know, and can see immediately that your order is channeled directly to the Market so there is no risk of mismanagement transaction brokerage experience, especially if you have a large transaction.
There is no restriction order should be minimum so the price point of the market for stop loss, trailing stop, limit.
If you have a big budget then you can really move prices in the market
Broker yang memberikan tipe akun jenis ECN memang sangatlah di gandrungi oleh trader karena op yang kita lakukan akan dilempar ke pasar secara langsung tanpa ada intervensi dari broker. namun sayangnya banyak broker dengan sistem komisi untuk jenis akun ini dan saya beruntung menemukan octafx yang bisa membuka akun ECN tanpa ada komisi
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